Sunday, March 16, 2014


My 21 months old just loves his baths! Infact, he will wake up each morning yelling "I need a baf" and will occasionally look at me and tell me this throughout the day.  He loves splashing around and playing with his monkey and ducks! Tonight was especially fun!!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

What better way to kick of the start of Spring than to book your Spring Session with Kristin Joy Photography! These sessions can be booked at a local park or other pretty location! I would love to be your exclusive photographer! Get in touch with me to learn all that KJP has to offer!!

Spring is around the corner, I can feel it! The boys FINALLY had a chance to get outside last week to enjoy an unseasonably warm day! I had fun as I watched them ride scooters, play a fun game of street hockey and so much more!  Of course, we still had snow banks so my middle little enjoyed some snowboarding down one of the hills ;) I can't wait until Spring gets here and all of this cold snow has melted! Then the real fun begins and they can once again have fun with their neighbor friends that they have missed all winter!

Friday, December 6, 2013

looking to the future

A decade has passed...  

Ten years ago on a cold, wintery day in December I held my seven day old baby while the doctor poked and prodded his eyes over and over again.  I remember my husband and I sitting there thinking that this was just a routine visit.  Something was noticed upon Aidan's eye examination before discharge but I just knew that our minds would be put at ease after this examination.  I had no clue! Ten years ago this month our perfect little life was turned upside down in the blink of an eye.  I sat in that office and listened as this doctor quickly diagnosed my sweet boy with Congenital Glaucoma.  I just scooped my baby up and held him in my arms, rocking him back and forth.  I remember heart had been shattered.  I broke down in tears, so scared as the doctor then told Eric and I every grim detail of this disease and what to prepare for if the eye drops did not work to bring Aidan's eye pressures down.  I remember every single detail of that morning.  I remember crying hysterically while we checked out at the front desk.  I remember calling our family after we sat in the car for a few minutes, processing what had just happened.  I remember all of them dropping whatever it was that they were doing to get to us.  I remember my sister, walking through the door of our home, tears streaming down her face while she grabbed me and  hugged me as hard as she could.  I remember it all.  Things moved pretty quickly after that day and some things are just too hard to put into words.

Fast forward to today, Aidan is my hero! He has been put through the ringer and has went under anastesia more times than I care to remember.  He always comes through each surgery, each eye examination with a smile on his face.  It has been a decade ago this month that our world was turned upside down and all of the surgeries many many ups and many times my faith had been shaken.  I was scared to death on the day of his diagnosis.  I had never been so scared in my life.  I educated myself on this disease very quickly.  We have encountered doctors with less compassion that I would have hoped for but today we know Aidan is in the best of hands and we look forward to a bright future together! Aidan is happy, he is thriving, he is your typical ten year old...full of life, full of laughter, full of smiles:)

Aidan is my hero! 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Lunch time...simplified!

This awesome company sent me one of their lunch boxes to review and I am so happy to do so! I was in search of a lunch box that my son could take to school and not have to remember little pieces to pack up and bring home (It would just lessen a lot of frustration all around).  He needed some simplification during his school days and I think that I have found something awesome that could help him out during the day...the Planet Box!

The Planet Box is made of quality stainless steel so no worries about Plastic.  It is an all-in-one lunch box, offering different sized boxes with a different number of compartments in each.  Our particular Planet Box is the Rover and offers five segmented containers to hold all of your healthy goodies:) All you need to do is fill, close and latch...that is it! No more searching for empty containers for school lunches the night before, in hopes that you will find the matching lid (it may have been left in the cafeteria, in a desk, etc.).  I find this lunch box to be just what my big guy needs! And all he has to do is open and get to eating before time's up to pack up and get to learning once again:) Best of all? No more smelly lunch box at the end of the day!

Five little compartments for all of the goodness.  
Just fill and close.  Everything stays in its spot once latched!

Fun magnets to choose from in a variety of designs!

 ...and look at this cool carry case! Planet Box offers a variety of colors and styles to choose from! The pouch on the front can easily hold a water bottle and more!

These cute little containers are called dippers.  Do you want to pack liquid food? Just place inside and seal!

Now comes the fun part...filling the Planet Box! I enjoy it now and takes me no time at all!!

I think my Logan will love using his new Planet Box!! No more sifting through and cleaning each individual container after school, no more making sure the plastic is clean enough for the next days lunch.  Just open the Planet Box at the end of the day, rinse and air dry.  This lunch box will carry my kiddo through his school years.  The Planet Box is an eco and easy way to pack healthy meals.

To learn more about the Planet Box, you can visit

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Fall Family Fun!

Well, Fall has officially arrived and what a great one it has been thus far!! The weather has been so nice and the boys have been able to spend most of their days outside! Yesterday we visited Brown's Berry Patch for the first time! They had so many activities for the kids; jumping pillow, wagon rides, face painting, goat feeding, apple picking and so much more! It was definitely worth the long trip out there:)