Monday, October 29, 2012

Well, it is happening...and may I add, way too quickly right before my eyes:( Baby Gray is growing up! I feel as though it was just yesterday that we were on our way to the hospital to have him.  I remember that day so well.  I remember seeing my little beauty for the first time, and hearing his very first cry (and scream), and holding his tiny little hand for the first time, and swaddling him up like a little burrito so he could feel safe and warm again.  I remember his first encounter with his big brothers and I will never forget the look on Aidan and Logan's face when they saw him for the very first time.  They were in complete awe of their new baby brother.  I remember spending a couple of nights in our very own room getting to know each other, just Gray and I, and then bringing him home to meet the rest of his family.  The family that had been waiting nine whole months to meet him:) Wow has he grown since our very first meeting! I have put together a montage of pictures to chronicle Grayson's life here on earth.  Enjoy...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I haven't blogged in a while and it is so good to be back!! This crazy thing called life got in the way;) Our life has been chaotic, crazy, fun and filled with so many smiles and laughter throughout our days.  Life with Grayson has been pretty wonderful!! This little baby has been a blessing from above.  I thank the Lord every day for this little angel that he entrusted to us:) Gray smiles all of the time now!! In fact, all I have to do is look at this boy and he shows me that wide gummy smile that I adore so much.  He laughs at everything and anything! Then their is the serious side of Gray.  The side that makes you wonder what his little mind is thinking, staring off into the distance as you are talking to him, taking in everything around him.  He is like a breath of fresh air and he is definitely and without a doubt, good for the soul!! I love this boy so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!