Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Legos, legos and more legos...

     My boys love to build lego sets with their dad.  They love to look through the many lego magazines that come in the mail for them to see the creations that have been made.  They enjoy making their very own creations and then playing with what they have made.  Now, they do have their fair share of legos and I find that pieces trickle out from their homes in the play room often times than not.  I find myself stepping on lego pieces and almost vaccumming them up daily, but they do enjoy building their own creations and I love to watch their little imaginations unfold as they do!!

crossing enemy lines...

Monday, August 13, 2012

Screen time chips...

     Ok, so it seems like I always come up with much needed ideas after the fact.  Summer is winding down and my kiddos love them some wii! This is perfectly fine, IF played in moderation.  I have been trying to come up with a way to use screen time as a reward for them (apparently it took me a whole two months to come up with something good:) I am going to implement the use of little chips, to be called screen time chips (Go figure right?) Each chip handed out will get them 15 minutes of screen time, whether it be the wii, tv, computer, their nooks or DS's.  What will they get chips for you may ask? Well, that is a pretty easy answer.  They will earn chips for cleaning rooms, doing chores, being repectful of their belongings and others, etc.  I presented the boys with this idea today and they took to it fairly well.

With the Fall and Winter months quickly approaching,
I am sure a lot of the days ahead will be spent indoors:(
I am hoping this system provides them with the opportunity to get
moving and off the couch:) Go get 'em boys!!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

All rolled up...

     Now, my linen closet has seen better days! I do have good intentions and have fixed it up nicely on more than one occasion but then the calvary comes bounding in and it gets destroyed soon after! I do have all boys, what do you expect! Sooo...this time around I vow to make sure it stays neat and tidy for a very long time.  I gathered all of the baskets and bins that I could find around my home and re-organized my linen closet! It is a work in progress and I may change things up a bit but right now it suits all of our needs nicely.  Enjoy it now because I can't promise it will stay this way (but Iwill sure try to make sure it does:) I won't show you any before pictures as that would be just plain scary!

even the little wash cloths have their own space!

...and here is the finished result! I still have lots more to do but for now it serves its purpose.  I like it so far! Pinterest worthy? I should certainly say so!

I'm boooored...

     This summer has been lots of fun!! We went to water parks, swam in our new pool, visited lots of family, enjoyed some cool ice cream on a hot summer's night and simply just enjoyed each carefree day!! Now, I must say, my boys have so many things at their fingertips that could keep them busy for hours...basketball, books, bikes, scooters, a paper and pencil and lots more.  Even with all of this I still hear, on occasion "I'm boooored" or "Their is nothing to do" coming out of their mouths more times that I can count (or would like to remember).  As I am writing this I have to smile because I can hear in my head my oldest kiddo saying these very words as we speak.  So as many things as they are given, as many activities that we have planned they still manage to, on occasion speak these words, words that make no sense at all.  "How the heck can you be bored?" "You have a million and one things to do.  Go bounce a basketball, bike, swim or dare I say it? Read!"

Enjoy it now boys, because soon here you're going to wish you could have summer back!!


Slow and steady wins the race...

     So, summer is winding down and the 2012-2013 school year is quickly approaching! Goodness where have the summer months gone? Since the beginning of July I have been telling myself that I must go through the junk drawers and designate spaces for each piece of "junk".  I would simply be doing everyone a favor right? "Go get a pencil for your homework".  "Where, they are buried underneath the millions of scissors and glue sticks!" None of this is really junk at all, just a mish mosh of school essentials crammed into one (or two) tight spaces. And none of it made a dern bit of sense!

     Well, yesterday my older boys were at sleep overs with their grandparents, the baby was down for a nap and instead of sitting on the couch relaxing (I had to pry myself away from that cozy place) I decided to go through both junk drawers and re-organize!  I wanted my boys to be able to open the drawer and quickly find that pencil that they so desperately needed to finish homework with.  Now, I am pretty proud of the outcome I must say! Lets hope it stays that way...

ya' need a pencil? You got it son! Just open the drawer and, voila! Magic!!

One stinkin' drawer for mom... Keep out kids!
This is magic in the making right here!
At your fingertips sirs!

Everything has a home now! No more sifting through pencils, erasers, scissors, rubberbands, paper clips and pens to find just one glue stick!!

Slow and steady wins the race!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Grayson's Baptism

"...and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a good conscience toward God. It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ..." ~ 1 Peter 3:21

This beautiful blanket was given by Grayson's nana and this special pin from Grammie!

Today our baby boy was Baptized! He looked absolutely beautiful clothed in all white.  Grayson was welcomed into God's church, he was welcomed by our Catholic community...
My mother ordered these adorable satin slip-on shoes for Grayson!!
Dear Lord,
May you always keep our sweet Grayson safe in your hands.


     So I am sure by now you are wondering how I came up with this name for my blog! Let me share with you! I have three wonderfully terrific boys! They all compliment each other in many, many ways!  The two older ones love to run around and cause all kinds of chaos, but I would not have it any other way! Boys will be boys and right now they are taking in every bit of this big, big world!

     My two older boys love to run around outside until their feet fall off, literally! We have this big apple tree in our front yard.  The boys like to play under it, laughing and smiling with each other the entire time! They like to collect all of the apples that have fallen from the tree and play a little game with them.  They toss an apple under the tree and see which one went farther.  I prefer to watch their little apple throwing contest from afar, as I do not wish to get bonked in the head by one of those things! I am hoping as their baby brother gets older they will show him this game and all of the fun that comes along with hanging out beneath the apple tree:)

They love to show off their tricks on their tire swings!

They love to pick up apples in their four-wheeler with their dad!

They love to try reaching for the highest apples on the tree!

...and this mama just loves to capture their sweet, sweet innocence while they are laughing beneath the apple tree.