Sunday, August 12, 2012

Slow and steady wins the race...

     So, summer is winding down and the 2012-2013 school year is quickly approaching! Goodness where have the summer months gone? Since the beginning of July I have been telling myself that I must go through the junk drawers and designate spaces for each piece of "junk".  I would simply be doing everyone a favor right? "Go get a pencil for your homework".  "Where, they are buried underneath the millions of scissors and glue sticks!" None of this is really junk at all, just a mish mosh of school essentials crammed into one (or two) tight spaces. And none of it made a dern bit of sense!

     Well, yesterday my older boys were at sleep overs with their grandparents, the baby was down for a nap and instead of sitting on the couch relaxing (I had to pry myself away from that cozy place) I decided to go through both junk drawers and re-organize!  I wanted my boys to be able to open the drawer and quickly find that pencil that they so desperately needed to finish homework with.  Now, I am pretty proud of the outcome I must say! Lets hope it stays that way...

ya' need a pencil? You got it son! Just open the drawer and, voila! Magic!!

One stinkin' drawer for mom... Keep out kids!
This is magic in the making right here!
At your fingertips sirs!

Everything has a home now! No more sifting through pencils, erasers, scissors, rubberbands, paper clips and pens to find just one glue stick!!

Slow and steady wins the race!!

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