Saturday, August 11, 2012


     So I am sure by now you are wondering how I came up with this name for my blog! Let me share with you! I have three wonderfully terrific boys! They all compliment each other in many, many ways!  The two older ones love to run around and cause all kinds of chaos, but I would not have it any other way! Boys will be boys and right now they are taking in every bit of this big, big world!

     My two older boys love to run around outside until their feet fall off, literally! We have this big apple tree in our front yard.  The boys like to play under it, laughing and smiling with each other the entire time! They like to collect all of the apples that have fallen from the tree and play a little game with them.  They toss an apple under the tree and see which one went farther.  I prefer to watch their little apple throwing contest from afar, as I do not wish to get bonked in the head by one of those things! I am hoping as their baby brother gets older they will show him this game and all of the fun that comes along with hanging out beneath the apple tree:)

They love to show off their tricks on their tire swings!

They love to pick up apples in their four-wheeler with their dad!

They love to try reaching for the highest apples on the tree!

...and this mama just loves to capture their sweet, sweet innocence while they are laughing beneath the apple tree.

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